To be The Preferred Takaful Provider.
Reach out to more Malaysians with attractive Takaful products.
Fathonah - Wisdom
To think ahead, armed with knowledge, skills and judgement to execute wise business decision.
Amanah - Trustworthiness
To maintain trust and mutual respect through assurance.
Siddiq - Truthfulness
To be honest and ethical in all our dealings, with full compliance and professionalism.
Tabligh - Propagation of Good Values
To continuously convey good values and nurture each other.
To consistently provide goods and services of the highest quality at competitive prices
To pursue management vision and foster entrepreneurship.
To nurture and be committed to innovation
To conduct business with honour
Human Resources
To enhance the quality of human resources as the essence of management excellence.
To ensure oneness in purpose, harmony and friendship in the pursuit of prosperity for all
To improve existing operations and to position for expansion and new opportunities.
Social Responsibility
To create wealth for the betterment of society